Google Business: Updates, Events and Promotions – A step by step guide

Do you want to increase your business’s online presence? In this post we will show you how with Google Business Profile Posts.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to create “Offers,” “Updates,” and “Events” to enrich your profile.

Why is this important? Because these posts help your business stand out on Google Search and Maps, capture your audience’s attention, and keep them engaged. Don’t miss this opportunity to make your listing shine!

First bring up your Google Business Profile. Google either the name of your business or search “my business”.

You should see the following:

Next (in mobile view) click the drop down arrow as highlighted in the image below to bring up more options:

Great! Now click add update. Please note adding images is not always available in mobile view, this can be done by following these steps on a computer.

Below shows the available options for your post:

Here we have 3 different choices. Let’s take a look at each one.


Title (Optional): Include a title to grab attention.

Description: Share general information about your business or services.

Photo or Video (Optional, not shown): Enhance your update with visual content.

Action Button (Optional): Add a specific call-to-action button to guide users.


Title: Create an enticing title for your event.

Start and End Dates and Times: Specify when the event takes place.

Description: Provide details about the event, such as what’s happening.

Photo or Video (Optional): Use visuals to promote the event.

Action Button (Optional): Add a button to drive users to take action related to the event.


Title: A catchy title for your promotion.

Start and End Dates and Times: Specify when the offer begins and ends.

Description: Provide details about the offer.

Photo or Video: Add visual content to make your offer stand out.

Coupon Code (Optional): Include a coupon code for discounts.

Link (Optional): Add a link to direct customers to your website.

Terms and Conditions (Optional): Include any specific terms for the offer.

Ok let’s create a basic update for your Google Business Profile. Under update a description is made, the learn more button selected, and the url link for more information added. Once done, click preview to review the update before posting.

Check over this preview for any errors, and when ready hit post!

Congratulations! We have made our first Google Business Profile post! Posting often helps show your customers and google you are an active and legitimate company. So keep up the posting!