We Don’t believe in subscriptions here. A one off cost for services and setup will be quoted to you depending on your individual company needs.

Below is a breakdown of the subscription costs you would need to cover, these are basics for any website. They are a guide only and may change if the providers increase or decrease their pricing.

  • Domain
  • Hosting
  • Website Builder

Domain Name

A domain is like your website’s address on the internet, such as “www.yourbusinessname.com.au” It’s unique to your site and serves as its online identity. An Australian ABN is needed if you would like to create a .com.au address.


  • Starting Price: Approximately $10 to $20 per year
  • Free Option: Some website builders may offer a free subdomain (e.g., yourbusinessname.wordpress.com), not recommended for company websites.
  • Domain names can be payed annually or longer for a discount.

Web Hosting

Web hosting is like having a home for your website on the internet. It’s where all your website’s files, data, and content are stored. Imagine it as your website’s storage space or digital warehouse. When someone wants to visit your website, the hosting server fetches the information and displays it on their screen, making your site accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime. It’s an essential service that ensures your website is online 24/7 and available to your visitors.


  • Starting Price: Around $5 to $10 per month (for shared hosting)
  • Free Option: There are some free hosting options available, but they often come with limitations such as ads on your site, slower loading times, and limited support. Not recommended for company websites.

Website Builder

A website builder is a user-friendly program that helps you create a website without needing to know how to code. It’s like using building blocks to design your site. You choose from pre-made templates and easily add text, pictures, and other elements to build your webpages. It’s a great option if you’re new to website creation, and there are many different platforms to choose from. Speak with us to find the perfect platform to suit your companies needs.


  • Starting Price: Varies based on the platform. Approximately $10 to $20 per month for a basic plan.
  • Free Option: Many website builders offer a free plan with basic features. However, free plans typically include the website builder’s branding in your domain (e.g., yourbusinessname.wordpress.com) and may have limited features. For a more professional and feature-rich site, consider a paid plan.
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Please give us a call or email today and we can discuss your needs!

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Can’t find your business on Google? A simple guide on google basics. Part 2

Can’t find your business on Google? A simple guide on google basics. Part 2 Welcome to part 2 of our 2 part guide. Here we will used the info we learned in part 1. Missed it? Click here: Can’t find your business on Google? A simple guide on google basics. Part 1. In this post we will look into the basic structure of a google search result. Below you will find an image of a basic google search results…