Our Approach to SEO for Small Business Websites

We have developed this simple SEO guide to show you how we can deliver easy to understand SEO at the lowest and most honest of pricing. So are you already confused? Read on!

What is SEO?

SEO stands for:




When we talk about search engines we are referring to many different search engines, but let’s talk about the main one. Google.

So look at SEO as a umbrella/overall term for “optimising your website for google” 

Its that simple! Many companies use SEO to confuse and overcharge companies. Instead we want to break down what is SEO, and SEO strategies.

SEO strategies refer to different ways/methods of optimising your website for google. Lets look at the most simple ways you can improve your SEO. 

SEO Audit

(Program: SEO SPIDER)

A program that scans all of your websites data in google search, and returns information on areas that need improvement. With this data we can construct the website’s information and media to ensure it is in a google friendly format and includes the keywords your customers are using. Read more about this in our post: Mastering On Page Optimization Seo – Your guide to effective techniques 

Keyword Research


A useful tool to gain insights on what your customers are searching for, including most popular words and competition for those words. This can also be set locally to gain specifics in what the people around you are looking for. Other programs and tools can also be used for keyword research too. Small Business Websites Australia utilises all free programs at our disposal, it’s not necessary to pay for these programs. Read further on this in our post: A Guide to Keyword Research – Optimization for Seo

Website Experience 


Scan your website to gain information of your website’s page speed and user experience. (i.e how long did it take for your website to load on a potential customer’s phone, did some element not function correctly?) We cover this further in our post: Navigating Page Speed Optimization – Enhancing user experience and search visibility and: Improving Core Web Vitals

Page Indexing and Crawl Data


Connecting your website with a google program that will return information on how your website performs on google search. Including page views, customers google searches that lead to your site. It also contains other useful features such as:

  • Tools to ensure your entire website is found in google, and if not any errors found
  • Website links within your website
  • Other great in depth data, we will skip this as unless errors are shown, let’s keep things simple!

You can read further on connecting to to google search console here in our post: Google Search Console – Your guide to connecting your website

Google Business Profile


Formerly known as google my business, this is a free feature of google and an absolute essential for any small business. Think of it like a business directory listing for google. Without it, locals will have trouble finding your business in their local area. It also allows customers to review your listing so everyone googling your product can see previous customers’ experience. 

Read more about setting up your Google Business Profile in our post here: A Comprehensive Guide – Setting up your google business profile enhance your online presence

A Final Note

All these abbreviations and terms can get a little confusing as well. So be sure to check out our super handy post: The Ultimate SEO Cheat Sheet – Common terms and abbreviations explained