How to share access to your google profile – Step by step guide with images

Sharing your access to your google business profile is easy and a crucial step in developing and effective online presence. Remember this is only for TRUSTED email accounts and you should never share access just because someone asks. Unless we have asked you, and that’s why you are here!

First let’s make you sure you have a google business profile. Google either the name of your business or search “my business”. You should see the following:

Was it there? No? Contact us to get the process started. Yes? Great! Let’s move on!

Next click the 3 dots on the upper right hand side as highlighted and select “Business Profile Settings”

From here select “People and access”

Then select “Add”. Also ensure you have no unrecognised emails here. You should only see your own. Contact us if you have concerns.

Then go ahead and add the email address we have provided you for us to gain access. Select “Manager”. Never select “Owner” unless advised by a legitimate IT professional, and this is done rarely.

Go ahead and hit “Invite” and we are all done! Soon you should recieve confirmation that we have accepted the access. If you do not recieve confirmation within 48hrs please contact us to investigate any potential issues.